Drupal Security Update Notifications

The site technical contact should subscribe to the Drupal security notifications list. You can receive notifications via email, RSS, and/or Twitter.

To receive email notifications:

  1. Create an account on drupal.org or log in to your existing account
  2. On your account page, click Edit, then click My Newsletters.
  3. Check the box labeled Security announcements and save your settings.

Security announcements for Drupal core and contributed modules and themes are sent weekly, or as necessary for highly critical updates.

For more information and instructions for RSS and Twitter updates, see Drupal.org Security.

Other Drupal Update Notifications

In addition to the security update notification email list, we recommend that you enable email notifications from your site when updates are available. You can choose to receive messages daily or weekly, and you can choose to receive notifications of all updates, not just security updates. Messages will continue until the updates have been applied.

To configure notifications, go to /admin/reports/updates/settings on each site you want to monitor.