About Pantheon

Create a New Site

In order for your account to be associated with the UC Berkeley organization on Pantheon, you must first login to https://dashboard.pantheon.io/register using a Pantheon account associated with an @berkeley.edu email address (on Pantheon your email address is your username). This will ensure that your site is eligible for UC Berkeley-specific pricing and other benefits. Once logged in to the Pantheon dashboard you will see a button to Create New Site...

Get Started with Pantheon


To get your free account, go to https://dashboard.pantheon.io/register.

IMPORTANT: You must be a Berkeley employee using a berkeley.edu email address (e.g. yourname@berkeley.edu) when you register. Email addresses using subdomains of berkeley.edu, (e.g. yourname@socrates.berkeley.edu), and external emails not at a Berkeley.edu will not work. Signing up with a...

Hosting Your Site on Pantheon

This guide is for self-service website builders/developers who are administering their own sites or are working with outside vendors. The site owner must be a Berkeley employee; sites must be created by a Berkeley employee with a berkeley.edu email address, and sites must be hosted at a berkeley.edu domain in order to be billed via campus...

Use CalNet Authentication for UC Berkeley sites

We strongly recommend using CalNet authentication for all UC Berkeley sites. It is more secure than standard authentication.

We have preregistered ALL UC Berkeley Pantheon development and test URLs with the CalNet admin team. It is not necessary to register individual dev and test sites. We have also preregistered ALL live environments using their live-EXAMPLE.pantheon.berkeley.edu URLs. You still have to register your actual production domain (in the form EXAMPLE.berkeley.edu) with CalNet before you launch.

Web Platform Services has developed two Drupal 7 modules (D7 only)...

Take Advantage of Pantheon's Multiple Environments

Pantheon provides three environments for each site: development ("dev"), testing ("test"), and live.

The development environment is where you will upload/install new modules and apply updates available on your dashboard. The test environment is a good place to experiment and test the new code against your latest content. The live environment is what drives your live website.

You can use Pantheon's "Database / Files" tab in order clone the database and/or files between environments as needed.

Pantheon help page:...

Add Collaborators

Once you have spun up a new site, you can add more people to the site's dashboard. Use the person's berkeley.edu email address if possible. If the person has not already signed up at Pantheon, Pantheon will send an email inviting them to join.

Anyone you add to the site dashboard will be added as a Team Member and be able to perform operations on the site via the Pantheon dashboard.

If you are working with a third-party vendor to develop your site, the third-party vendor can be added as Team Members, but your department is still responsible for all activity on your Pantheon...